FINALLY. There is only 7 more weeks left until summer vacation and we are going to be in High School. Our test are all done and there is only 2 more Staar test left until we are all free. A lot of people are exited for High School but I am just not prepared yet. There is going to be new teachers, new challenges, new school, and a lot of homework.

I can’t wait until summer because I can get more sleep, play the whole day, hang out with friends, and not have to worry about anything. I am going to miss Middle School a lot because I had a lot of great memories but some of my friends are going to go to a different High School, so I am going to miss them. The thing that I am going to miss the most is Language Arts because of the great teacher and this was a class where you were relaxed and not have to do a lot of work.

This year went by so fast and we didn’t even notice. This was the best year out of 3 years of Middle School and I am going to miss all my teachers and friends during summer. Eventually we all have to move on with our lives so GOOD LUCK for whatever you do in the future.


Soccer Tryouts!

The soccer tryouts for the school boys soccer team are in this week. I am gonna try my best and wish that I make the team. The soccer tryouts for our school is really hard to make because we only have one team which means the 7th graders are combined with the 8th graders. A lot of skilled players try out and some make the team and some don’t.

Our coach is really strict about who to choose and what players will do good and win for the school. The coach takes 22 players in total, 8 defenders, 8 midfielders, 4 forwards, and 2 goalies. A lot of people look up to these tryouts and give their best to make the team. Since soccer is not the most played sports in our schools they only have one team instead of 2. If there were 2 team there would be more chances for a lot of people to make the team.

The people who are gonna tryout good luck and I hope that you make the team and give your best. If those who don’t make the team try hard next year and practice more of what you couldn’t accomplish. GOOD LUCK  ONCE AGAIN.



On March 29th the 8th graders who are in on-level math are going to take the Math Staar. On March 30th all the 8th graders are going to take the Reading Staar. These dates are going to be really important to all 8th graders. I am working really hard and praying that I pass with good grades.

Staar tests takers are given 4 hours to finish the test and most of them finish it in 2-3 hours.The Staar test consist of 40-50 questions and some of them are really hard. On Staar testing days the whole school is silent and a lot of pressure on testers. During the test you get some break to have food, stretch, or go to the bathroom.

Good luck on your Staar test and hope you all get good grades and relieve that tension you all had on your mind. But there is still more to come…

Spring Break!!

There is only two more weeks left until Spring Break and I am really excited for it. This Spring my dad is starting a new business and he is gonna need a lot of help so I am looking forward to that. The special thing about Spring Break is that my birthday lies in it so can’t wait till that.

Last spring I had a really good birthday party but this time I have to help my dad with his business work so I can’t have a special birthday party but I am OK with it. Spring is my favorite season of the year because it has a very cool and enjoyable weather and it is full of colors and  flowers. A lot of my family members birthdays come in spring and it’s just a pleasant season.

Well I am looking forward for the Spring Break and the good stuff I am gonna do. There’s one bad part about Spring Break that its only a week but I wished it was longer. I hope you’ll also have a wonderful holiday.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

(According to Wikipedia),Martin Luther King Jr. Day is an American federal holiday marking the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. It is observed on the third Monday of January each year, which is around King’s birthday, January 15. Martin Luther King Jr. was a great man who favored non-violence and followed the Gandhi.

Last weekend we had a long weekend which means no school on Monday. It was a holiday honoring Martin Luther King Jr. who did so much for this country especially for the black citizens of America who were not treated equally as the whites. They were basically persecuted from their country-in their country and that’s when Martin Luther King stood up for them and  got rid of all of this ignorance and differences. He also lead a lot of Marches to fight for the black people. Martin Luther King Jr. also has been to jail for the black people. While he did all this for them after some time later he was shot and killed. That was a really sad moment and a lot of people appreciate what he did for them.

Martin Luther King Jr. gave a famous speech “I Have A Dream” which a very important speech to. Martin Luther King Jr. is one of those person who will be remembered forever for what he did for black Americans.

Whenever I Said BLACK I Didn’t Mean To Be Racists And SORRY FOR BEING OFFENDING.

The sleep is now over…

Since last blogs I have been talking about cars but my blog name also includes the word “life”. Today I am writing about my life and how bad it has been after the winter break is over. Now no good sleeps, no time for relaxing and enjoying life with friends and family. Everyone is busy in their work and no sleeps and more tensions for kids about their school, tests and homework. In the winter break you could wake up as late as you want, play games and hang out with friends but not anymore.

Over the winter break I had a lot of fun at my uncles house and he just got this house one year ago so it’s not that much developed. Over the break my uncle wanted to paint some of the walls so he called me over. It was so fun to paint and after that good MEXICAN FOOD. There were a lot of exciting things that happened over the break, the new business that my dad and my uncle are starting is almost done building and it’s looking really good. Like I said about the tension my dad is stressing about his work a lot and he is really worried about his new business too. Life is full of fun and tensions. The day you step out of the house a new problem is always waiting for you so be prepared.

The winter break for me was a lot of fun and problems are now starting again due to schools reopened and more home work. I just wished that if you could go back in time and become young and just play and play, but this is what life is all about so we all have to face it.



Did you know that Audi is a Better and New Version of Volkswagen?

Audi was first made in 1932. Audi is an German Car Company whose founders name is August Horch. Audi first car name was Audi F103 which looked like a old Chevrolet. It was one he best cars at that time and very rare to find one today. As time passed a lot of different kind of Audi were made. In past the Audi costed a lot as it does today and looked good as well.

There a lot of type of Audi and they are really expensive. The best one is the Audi R8 which is one of the most expensive car. Audi R8 is one of my favorite cars in relation to SPEED. There is different types of cars in Audi like Sedan, SUV, Cope and etc. Some of them are Audi A4, A5,A6,A7,R8 and many others.

Audi has changed as time has passed by and is probably gonna go on. There’s one thing that Audi hasn’t made it yet, it’s a car that runs on ELECTRICITY. In the future Audi may come up with one of this car and ROCK IT.



Did you know that Lexus is considered a Luxurious car TODAY?

The first Lexus was founded in the year 1989. Lexus is a division of Japanese automaker Toyota. Eiji Toyoda is the founder of Lexus. The first Lexus was called the Lexus LS. If you’d want to compare the new Lexus with the old one you wouldn’t find much of a difference because of the way they designed it and the way it looked.             OLD LEXUS!!

Lexus is a luxury car and mostly the people who want a car that’s not expensive but luxuries they may prefer Lexus. Lexus was invented to recognize TOYOTA but in an expensive way. This luxuries car was the only one that was founded late and was considered EXPENSIVE. After few years Lexus was recognized and it’s sale increased constantly around the world. There are many different types of Lexus, they are in Sedan, SUVS, Coupes, Hybrids and etc. These all cars have different models in them such as IS, ES, GS, ES HYBRID, LS, and bunch more. They also have really good sports car too, as you can see below.


The Lexus has changed constantly as you all saw and maybe they may make a car that we must have never seen. They may make a car that runs on battery. Mostly all car companies have a car that runs on battery but Lexus doesn’t. Comment down below what would you all like to see Lexus make in the future and can Lexus become one of the best car in the world.

Mercedes – Benz

Did you know that Mercedes Benz is a really expensive and good looking car?

The first Mercedes was founded in the year 1926. Mercedes is an German Car Company. Karl Benz and  Gottlieb Daimler are the founder of Mercedes-Benz. The first Mercedes was called the 35-hp Mercedes. If you’d want to compare the new Mercedes with the old one you’d say that’s trash but at that time it was one the best selling and mostly you wouldn’t find it in everyone’s house because it was really expensive as it is today.                                            Old Mercedes

Mercedes is not my type of a car because its like a old type of car and I prefer something fast and modern. Still the Mercedes has many good cars and good types of models such as C-CLASS, E-CLASS,S-CLASS and etc. The cars costs varies as it goes up in models and if its a sport car its cost way more than a regular one. Mercedes also has an electric car named B-Class but it doesn’t cost as much as other and its a small car too.

                 New Mercedes


The Mercedes has change changed constantly as you all saw and maybe they may make a car that we must have never seen. Comment down below what would you all like to see Mercedes make in the future and can Mercedes become one of the most expensive car in the world.

                      Please comment down below and follow me                   


BMW { Bavarian Motor Work }

Did you know that BMW is one of the luxury cars and very expensive car too?

BMW was first made in 1928. BMW is an German Car Company whose founders name is Franz Josef Popp. BMW’s first car name was BMW Dixi which looked like a small Jeep. It was one he best cars at that time and very rare to find one today. As time passed a lot of different kind of BMW’s were made. In past the BMW’s costed a lot as it does today and looked good as well.

     OLD BMW

Image result for bmw dixiThere are a lot of type of BMW’s today and their cost varies as they go up in models. There is BMW 1 series, 2 series, 3 series, 4 series, 5 series, 6 series, 7 series and a lot more. The prices of the models go up as they go up in what series or model you chose. There are a lot of benefits for buying a BMW because you get to chose what type of engine you want in your car such as V4, V6, V6 diesel, or V8. Some of the BMW’s run on batteries and others on gas or diesel.


Image result for bmw i8

As you’ll saw how they have changed the car as the time passed so think how the BMW would look in the year 2050. I wonder how the technology would change as the time passes and how many changes would they make.