The soccer tryouts for the school boys soccer team are in this week. I am gonna try my best and wish that I make the team. The soccer tryouts for our school is really hard to make because we only have one team which means the 7th graders are combined with the 8th graders. A lot of skilled players try out and some make the team and some don’t.

Our coach is really strict about who to choose and what players will do good and win for the school. The coach takes 22 players in total, 8 defenders, 8 midfielders, 4 forwards, and 2 goalies. A lot of people look up to these tryouts and give their best to make the team. Since soccer is not the most played sports in our schools they only have one team instead of 2. If there were 2 team there would be more chances for a lot of people to make the team.

The people who are gonna tryout good luck and I hope that you make the team and give your best. If those who don’t make the team try hard next year and practice more of what you couldn’t accomplish. GOOD LUCK  ONCE AGAIN.


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