On March 29th the 8th graders who are in on-level math are going to take the Math Staar. On March 30th all the 8th graders are going to take the Reading Staar. These dates are going to be really important to all 8th graders. I am working really hard and praying that I pass with good grades.

Staar tests takers are given 4 hours to finish the test and most of them finish it in 2-3 hours.The Staar test consist of 40-50 questions and some of them are really hard. On Staar testing days the whole school is silent and a lot of pressure on testers. During the test you get some break to have food, stretch, or go to the bathroom.

Good luck on your Staar test and hope you all get good grades and relieve that tension you all had on your mind. But there is still more to come…

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