Since last blogs I have been talking about cars but my blog name also includes the word “life”. Today I am writing about my life and how bad it has been after the winter break is over. Now no good sleeps, no time for relaxing and enjoying life with friends and family. Everyone is busy in their work and no sleeps and more tensions for kids about their school, tests and homework. In the winter break you could wake up as late as you want, play games and hang out with friends but not anymore.

Over the winter break I had a lot of fun at my uncles house and he just got this house one year ago so it’s not that much developed. Over the break my uncle wanted to paint some of the walls so he called me over. It was so fun to paint and after that good MEXICAN FOOD. There were a lot of exciting things that happened over the break, the new business that my dad and my uncle are starting is almost done building and it’s looking really good. Like I said about the tension my dad is stressing about his work a lot and he is really worried about his new business too. Life is full of fun and tensions. The day you step out of the house a new problem is always waiting for you so be prepared.

The winter break for me was a lot of fun and problems are now starting again due to schools reopened and more home work. I just wished that if you could go back in time and become young and just play and play, but this is what life is all about so we all have to face it.


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